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Laying anchor in the GTA



Toronto-based Earth Anchor Inc. specializes in helical piles (helical anchors, screw piles, helical piers 和 screw posts), 在基础和地面锚固系统中使用的是什么,以支撑现有结构并为新建筑提供安全的负载能力. The company was founded by Daniel Garfield 和 Mike Donelle.

"We both have previous foundation experience, 和 as we were growing our other foundation-related company, builders were pushing us to get into the helical pile business, 因为他们认为我们很适合成立一家专门从事这类工作的公司," Garfield explains. “螺旋桩是一种深层基础系统,当你遇到恶劣的地面条件或需要实现高负荷时,你就会使用它——它们有很多不同的应用."


Choosing the right equipment

When Earth Anchor was founded, 加菲猫想让公司运营一个制造商的设备车队,因为在加菲猫经营的上一家公司, he relied on multiple manufacturers for his fleet, which was far from ideal.

“去三家公司找服务让我很沮丧,而且服务很糟糕. 所以,我想找一家我知道可以为我提供服务并有良好保修的公司,”加菲尔德说.

在审查了各种可用的选项后,地球锚选择了 Takeuchi compact equipment. Garfield was happy to purchase Takeuchi equipment, 因为他知道该公司在欧洲和日本制造可靠设备的声誉.

“我们希望找到最可靠的机器,提供最好的服务,占地面积最小. Takeuchi offers a line of everything compact," he says.

When looking at other manufacturers' compact options, 加菲尔德说,许多选项比竹内的选项宽两英寸.

"Every inch matters to us, 尤其是在多伦多市中心工作,34英寸和36英寸的差距很大," he says.

Earth Anchor purchased four compact excavators (TB210R, TB225R, TB370CRTB2150) 和 the TL8R2-CR compact track loader.

“TB225R对我们来说是一款很棒的机器,因为它是唯一一款重2.5吨、履带可伸缩的机器. 它的尾部有很大的摆动,这使得我们可以在前端有很大的驱动力. If you look at the machine, it's very long 和 very narrow. It's 43 inches wide 和 exp和s to 4 feet 9 inches. The blade is right in front of the machine, which acts as a stabilizer when you have an auger in front of you, 和 the tail is far back, giving you a good counterweight. It's a very stable machine. 这只是我们几乎每天都在使用的机器之一,我们对它很满意。.

机器的全焊接框架是地球锚的另一个关键特点. 加菲尔德说:“这是一个框架,所以推和拉的力量是惊人的。.

Attachment advantages


"We go anywhere from 5,000 foot-pounds of torque to 90,000 foot-pounds of torque, 和 the torque is a correlation to capacity," Garfield explains.

挖掘机还配有铲斗附件,用于清除障碍物,并配有旋转倾斜装置,用于固定更大直径的桩. 而这些是目前使用的附件在紧凑型挖掘机, 加菲尔德说,他认为公司会为其他应用购买其他附件.

安装在Takeuchi紧凑型挖掘机上的液压流量和泵是Earth Anchor选择该设备的另一个原因.

“TB370CR有一吨的流量和一吨的psi,对于一台7吨重的机器来说,流量为31.7 GPM, 和 3,550 PSI is extremely rare. 要获得这样的流量,你必须使用12吨重的挖掘机,”加菲尔德说. “使用TB2150,由于流量的原因,它允许我们运行更大的扬程. 2150的流量为60 GPM,它将运行我们的90K头."

Earth Anchor's smallest excavator, the TB210R, has a unique feature that the company likes to utilize.

“TB210R的一个很酷的特点是,你可以合法地从机器上运行液压管线, 和 you can use the machine as a power pack, so we have a h和held auger, 和 we bring that little 210 to site, hook up some lines, 和 we connect it to the machine, 和 it runs our h和held auger," Garfield says.


“我们主要使用履带式装载机装卸物料. But we also have a 30,000-ft.-lb. of torque auger head for the track loader. 我们在一些钻井应用中使用它,因为它们相当狭窄,不到6英尺. It can get us into some tight spots. We also use it when we do some excavation work. 我们用它来移动混凝土和其他材料,”加菲尔德说.

Reliable service


“SMS设备为我们提供了很好的服务,特别是他们的保修。” Garfield says.


"They can pull product from across Canada. 当你和一个独立的经销商打交道时,你只能从他们的库存中取货. It's so much easier with SMS Equipment," Garfield says.

Building a bright future

Building a bright future


"First of all, they're reliable, so we know whether it's -20C or +30C, the likelihood of the machines starting is good. 它们允许我们进入其他机器无法进入的地方. Because of the compactness 和 engine-hydraulic system capacity, 它们可以让我们安装比你通常在这类机器上看到的更大的钻头. And we've had minimal downtime. 如果出现问题,这是罕见的,SMS设备会立即来解决它,”加菲尔德说.

Earth Anchor's slogan is "Finding good ground," 和 with its fleet of Takeuchi compact equipment, 该公司一定能够为其客户实现这一目标.

"We've based our business on limited access work. So, if the job is horrible 和 tight, 和 you need high-capacity piles, 和 you need it engineered 和 carried out professionally, then that's really our go-to," Garfield says.

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